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(241/314) 3614917 - JavaSideKick "Imports" Asset size not defined

It should be so the imports can be folded like the other assets.

Submitted ezust - 2013-08-15 - 07:12:04z Assigned daleanson
Priority 5 Category None
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2013-11-11 - 23:51:58z
Works for me. Do you have a specific file this isn't working with?
2013-11-22 - 03:49:48z
I guess for some Java files it works, but for others it doesn't.
One example where it does not work is in fastopen plugin, the
When I parse it, sometimes I only see one import in the sidekick tree, other times I see all of the imports.
But regardless, the imports section is not foldable.
